Hi, my name is Franck Maurin! Come in and discover my work. You may also play with the length of my beard below.

I am a 31-year-old freelance front-end developer based in Paris, France. My favorite brushes for designing awesome experiences are CSS, React & WordPress.

As a teenager I was quite involved with the creation of websites. After building my first community back in 2000 for my favorite soccer team, I became strongly engaged with the web business.

Once I graduated from my Master's in IT from the Paris Est University, I started working as lead front-end developer at Octave & Octave, a Parisian agency, where I learned best practices with major clients like Dassault Systèmes, Namco Bandai or BNP Paribas for instance.

For personal reasons, late 2011, I decided to start my own business. I now work with agencies like DDB° and Uzik; I also work directly with brands such as CANAL+. If you are looking for an experienced front-end developer for your next project, you've come to the right place!


  • WordPress
  • cssnext, Sass
  • ES2015, React, Backbone
  • Node.js, MongoDB
  • NPM, Webpack, Gulp