Canal+ TV
The VOD TV portal of +10,000 CANAL+ & CANALSAT programs
From 2012, CANAL+ has innovated in the boxes universe by coding our box software in Javascript.
The implementation of a recent webkit allows a greater of number of developers to create faster HTML5 applications using CSS3.
I was one of them.
My role
For a month, CANAL+ & CANALSAT VOD offers more than 10,000 programs to see or see again anytime. I was in charge of developing this service where the particularity was to manage the remote control events with different modules like the mosaic of contents, the menu or the search engine. I used Backbone framework and BEM logical to help me to structure my code.
The VOD widget
The VOD portal
The Campus channel list educational programs classified by subjects and school classes. To give more value to this contents, I developed the ability to read lessons and make quizzes. This feature is on TV but also on the tablet/phone myCANAL app via a web view.